Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
This unit cares for critically ill children other than neonate
In this intensive care unit we have the best equipment, best staff to provide standard management.
PICU is 12 bedded unit (4 isolation Bed)
PICU has all the basic equipments & advanced equipments like Ventilator, High Frequency Oscillator etc
We are one of the premier Institutes to have advanced equipments like inhaled Nitric Oxide,
We managed patient on ECMO
Dedicated Portable Color Doppler & USG
Fully equipped ambulance for transfer of sick children (Transport Ventilator)
BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant) & BM harvesting
Hemodialysis & plasmapheresis
Portable EEG, portable CT scan
Profile of patient Managed
Cardiorespiratory Emergencies like Status Asthmatics, Acute respiratory failure, Myocarditis, CCF, Cardiogenic shock, cyanotic spells etc
Neuro-intensive management in Status Epilepticus, Head trauma, SOL
Post surgical care of craniotomies, acute abdomen, and cardiac surgeries
Airway surgeries - Laser
Endocrine and metabolic disorders like DKA, Addisonian crisis Fulminant infections like dengue, septic shock, encephalitis
Hepatic failure, Renal failure
Oncological emergencies
Toxin ingestions like acid ingestion, kerosene and OPP poisoning
Envenomations by snakes and scorpions
Polytrauma and near drowning
Liver & kidney transplant
Pediatric OPD:
General Pediatrics OPD’s Monday – Saturday 9.00 am – 6.00 pm.
Pediatric Speciality OPD’s.
Neurology with Video EEG & EEG.
Pediatric Endocrinology.
Pediatric Hematoncology.
Pediatric Skin.
Pediatric Orthopaedics.
Pediatric Opthalmology.
Small Steps OPD for early intervention.
Pediatric Surgery.
Play Therapy
Small Steps Morris Autism & Child Development Centre
It is been functional since September 2011
Purpose of Small steps is Early intervention, Diagnosing developmental lag if any, Guidance and counselling to have better quality of life, in future
Multidisciplinary approach to developmental problems in children
Team of Developmental Paediatrician, Clinical Psychologists, Physiotherapist, Speech Therapist & Special Educator
Profile of patient managed
Autism & ADHD
Mental Challenges
Cerebral Palsy
Behavioural Problems
Learning Disabilities
Adolescent Clinic
Nine-to-Nineteen clinic is a special clinic for adolescents (Children between 10 and 19 years). It is run on weekdays from 12pm to 3pm by appointment. This unique clinic is conducted according to the guidelines given by WHO where privacy and confidentiality are maintained and clients are managed with a non- judgemental attitude. The clients include adolescents as well as their parents with issues such as parent-child conflicts, poor scholastic performance, anxiety, depression, body image issues, relationship issues such as falling in love, addictions including mobile and internet addiction and many more. Sometimes they come for physical problems such as poor growth, early or delayed puberty, menstrual disorders, pimples etc. The clinic also conducts workshops for adolescents and parents from time to time about growing up changes, emotional management and Life Skills. Sexuality sessions are conducted in many reputed schools. A research paper about ’Knowledge and Attitude of adolescents’ has been published in a scientific journal. Another study regarding ’Body Image and Body Mass Index’ is under-way.
Many people have donated generously & we have funds to help the poor & needy patients for drugs & payment of hospital bills.
The names of various funds are
Bhogal Fund
Devaskar Fund
Satarkar Fund
Educational Training Program:
Pediatric Genetic Conference 2012
Pediatric Genetic Conference 2015
PICU : 020 – 40151297/1216
Pediatric OPD : 020 – 4015100 Ext : 1083
Pediatric Office: 020 – 40151000 Ext :1369