Spectrum and Services :
Andrology services are offered in following problems related to male sexual problems
In coordination with dept of nephrology and abdominal organ transplantation, work up and evaluation for kidney transplantation is done. 3D laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is offered for donors to reduce pain with excellent outcomes.
Ravi and Nirmala Pandit Robotic urology services and minimal access ( Laparoscopic urology services)
Robotic urology department is equipped with state of art Da Vinchi robotic system and Hitachi intraoperative drop down probe for surgeries like robotic radical prostatectomy ( prostate cancer) and robotic partial nephrectomy (kidney cancer), robotic radical cystectomy( bladder cancer) and benign conditions like complex ureteral and bladder reconstruction e.g. Boari flap, bladder neck reconstruction.
Laparoscopic urology services ( using technology like 3D and 4K imaging system) for minimally invasive kidney, ureter , bladder surgeries is available for various surgeries like, laparoscopic nephrectomy, pyeloplasty, ureter reimplantation etc.
Kidney stone treatment and stone prevention clinic services
Laser endoscopic stone surgeries- PCNL/RIRS/ Ureteroscopy (using 100W Quanta Holmium and 60 W thulium laser) . With our emphasis on . With our emphasis on use of plasma sterilization of instruments, equipment and even cameras, we offer excellent outcomes with virtually zero postoperative infection rate.
ESWL (lithotripsy) for non surgical treatment of selected small stones using Dornier machine.
Flexible cystoscopy in uro daycare ward for painless stent removals.
Stone prevention clinic is a joint nephrology- urology service focusing on preventing future recurrences of stone for those who suffer from repeated attacks of stone formation.
Prostate disorder service clinic
Evaluation and treatment ( medical/surgical ) of prostate diseases is offered by facilities available like:
Uroflowmetry with sonography for post void residue measurement.
Prostate biopsy (with BK medical biplanar sonography ) for precise diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Prostate surgeries (bipolar TURP, Holmium and thulium laser prostate surgeries- HoLEP, ThuLEP)
Investigations state of art 128 slice dual energy CT scan, 3 Telsa prostate MRI, PSMA PET scan are available in the radiology department. ( link )
Uro oncology ( Urological cancer management ) services
Da Vinci robotic system for prostate cancer( robotic radical prostatectomy) , kidney cancer( partial /radical nephrectomy) bladder cancer( radical cystectomy)
Bladder cancer endoscopic surgeries, ( TURBT ) intravesical BCG therapy and intravesical chemotherapy for bladder cancer prevention.
Penile and testicular cancer surgeries ( penectomy, RPLND, inguinal orchidectomy )
Integration with medical oncology and radiation oncology services pre and post operatively best outcomes for the patient.
Reconstructive Urology Services
Complex reconstructions for stricture urethra, hypospadias, small capacity bladder are routinely out with good outcomes at DMH urology like
Buccal mucosal urethroplasty (BMG) for stricture urethra,
Bladder augmentation, Mitrofenoff , Yang Monti surgery for extensive ureteral loss.
Pediatric Urology Services
Evaluation and medical management of urological problems of children like reflux , dysfunctional voiding is Management
Surgery like pyeloplasty, ureter reimplantation, hypospadias repair etc.
Andrology services
Male infertility evaluation, advice and surgery like varicocele, testicular biopsy, semen freezing facility n coordination with test tube center / IVF )
Erectile disorders evaluation and advice, Bimix and Trimix injections.
Neuro Urology & female Urology services
For patient suffering from neurogenic bladder (e.g. cannot pass urine well due to spine problem) integrated services like urodynamics, module for learning intermittent catheterisation is offered.
Female urological problems like stress incontinence management and surgeries like TOT for SUI are also offered.
Kidney transplantation services
Contact Us :
Department OPD number -02049153211
Emergency contact number to be called ( not whatsapp) in case of emergency 7391998126
Enquiry whatsapp number for planned surgery ( response in 24 hr) not emergency number 7391998126
Location of Department :
2nd floor Urology dept New Building
Departmental Timetable :
Urology :
Uro-Oncology :
Departmental Workload :
Department of urology and uro-oncology is one of the busiest departments catering to over 15,000 OPD consultations in a year. It also admits and manages over 3000 patients in a year.
With regards to urological operations it is one of the high volume centers from basic to the most advanced urological operations with excellent outcomes.
Course and Training :
Following Course and training is regularly conducted in DMH Urology dept
• DNB(urology) course accredited by by Nation board of Examinations New Delhi
• Royal collage of surgeon, UK affiliated PCNL access course ( conducted twice a year)
Photo Gallery :