Emergency Call : 020 40151540



Overview :

Cancer patients receive a lot of suggestions about Complimentary & Alternative Medicines (CAM), Traditional Systems of Medicine (TSM), Ayruveda & other systems of medicines. Due to lack of awareness & lack of knowledge of the side effects, these so called “SAFE” options are being used indiscreminately. The patients are hesitant to inform the treating Oncologist about the same and end up with unexpected side effects & reactions due to herb-drug interactions.

Our Goal : The integrative Cancer Care unit aims to provide comprehensive cancer treatment to the patient considering the primary on-going treatment & appropriate time for the add-on, adjuvant ayurveda treatments with appropriate selection of herbal drugs complementing the chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy without compromising the outcome.

Spectrum and Services :

  1. Add-on Ayurveda Treatments to reduce side effects of Radiation Treatments
    • Radiotherapy treatments are integral part of various cancer treatment with known short term or long-term side effects experienced by patients. Through Integrative Cancer Care program, patients are given topical &/or systemic treatments from Ayurveda system of medicines to minimize or delay the side effects of Radiotherapy, without compromising the efficacy of primary treatment. Oncology team of DMH has the documented treatment protocols for minimizing side effects mainly in Head & Neck Cancers, where it is needed the most. The goal of treatment being reduction of side effects like oral mucositis, Sticky saliva, dryness of mouth, Skin reactions, etc in patients undergoing Radiotherapy for Head and Neck cancers e.g: tongue cancers, laryngeal & hypopharyngeal cancers
    • In case of Rectum cancers and Cervix cancers, patients may experience immediate effects like frequency and urgency to void stool, burning etc. Add-on Ayurveda regimens help patients with symptomatic relief and minimize the severity of symptoms.
  2. Add-on Ayurveda Treatments to reduce side effects of Chemotherapy
    • Chemotherapy is an important treatment arm in cancer management, though side effects are challenges. Different Chemotherapies / immunotherapies have respective indications and not all chemotherapies have same side effects.
    • In DMH we have developed add-on Ayurveda regimens for respective chemotherapies which have been observed over years for different side effects like nausea, vomiting, loose motions, anal pain, pain in abdomen, derailment of liver function leading to jaundice, low platelets and white blood cells.
  3. Adjuvant Ayurveda Cancer Treatments
    • Adjuvant Ayurveda Cancer Treatments are intended for those patients who cannot or may not undergo standard of care treatments like Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy due to some comorbidities (pre-existing medical conditions) like chronic kidney diseases, low cardiac function [Low Ejection Fraction] in the respective patient.
  4. Ayurveda Maintenance Treatments
    • Ayurveda maintenance treatments are focused in solid tumor cancers like Oral cancer, Ovarian cancer, Breast cancer, Sarcoma, Gall bladder cancer, Pancreas cancer, Stomach cancer and leukemias (commonly called as blood cancers), lymphomas; where high chances of recurrences are there, in spite of successful completion of standard of care treatment.
  5. Panchakarma Therapy for Cancer
    • Panchakarma treatments for Cancer are mainly advised to clinically stable patients with goal to aid the Primary treatment of Ayurveda in Cancer.
    • Panchakarma therapies for cancer includes more than 20 treatments mainly Basti (Vasti), Shirodhara, Nasya, Pizhichil, Navarakizhi, Choornakizhi, Dhanyamladhara, etc., which needs to be performed under supervision of Ayurveda Physician with Cancer treating experience by a skilled team.
    • In our hospital the planning of Panchakarma therapies for cancer patients is being done digitally to ensure need more precision, and there is integration of traditional instrumentations with advanced regulating and monitoring machines.
    • It is also useful for early recovery of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy, hair loss & fatigue
  6. Ayurveda Supportive Treatments
    • Ayurveda supportive & palliative treatments address the symptom relief during or after cancer treatments for improving the Quality of Life:
      • Post-surgery & pre-radiotherapy nutritional support
      • Radiation induced Oral mucositis, Radiation cystitis, Radiation proctitis
      • Chemotherapy induced Nausea & vomiting, mucositis
      • Fatigue, loss of appetite during cancer treatments
      • Cancer related body pain

Department of Location :

Integrative Cancer Care unit OPD located at Annex building OPD complex.

Departmental Timetable :








2.00pm - 5.00pm

2.00pm - 5.00pm

10.00am - 1.00pm

2.00pm - 5.00pm

2.00pm - 5.00pm


C Wing GS Building

Annex Building

C Wing GS Building

C Wing GS Building

Annex Building

The consultant will be available on non OPD hours by prior appointments