Overview :
The Cancer center offers one of the few dedicated treatment facilities for paediatric cancers and is a tertiary referral Unit for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology [childhood cancers]
Services Offered :
- Evaluation and Diagnosis for childhood malignancie
- Routine availability of advanced diagnostic techniques
- Comprehensive multi-disciplinary support for treatment of childhood cancers
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy
- Surgery
- Bone marrow / peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
- Insertion and care of long term venous access devices (PICC, Hickman catheter, etc.)
- Availability of most of the services under 1 roof
- Day-care facility for chemotherapy administration and supportive care
- Evaluation and Guidance for childhood cancer survivors
- Social worker support for financial assistance of poor patients
- Dedicated counsellors for Psychological support for patients as well as parents
- Parent support group
- Diagnosis and Treatment of blood disorders in children
- Daycare facility for Blood transfusion for thalassemia patients
For various Hematology and Oncology conditions
Both Autologous and Allogeneic transplants performed
Unrelated donor / haplo-identical transplants also performed
Facilities :
- 17 bedded dedicated Pediatric hematology & Oncology unit with a specialized paediatric daycare.
- Trained Nursing staff to handle various aspects of Pediatric hematology and oncology treatment.
Departmental Time table :
Departmental Workload :
We treat approximately 125-150 new childhood cancer patients every year.
Courses & Training :
We are an approved centre for IAP Fellowship course in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology.