Overview :
An ultra modern, state of the art, Department of Genetics at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, offers one of the best and most well equipped department in Western Maharashtra in a hospital setting. It strives to serve the society by bringing specialist clinical knowledge in the field of genetics coupled with high-end technology to the reach of common people at an affordable cost. The department is PCPNDT certified and lab is NABL accredited since 2008.
Spectrum and Services :
A. Clinical Genetics :
Clinical Genetics OPD
Prenatal Genetic counselling
Couple counselling for screening of Genetic disorders
Cancer Genetics Clinic
B. Genetics Facilities :
The department has a full time consultant panel ably supported by a team of 6-8 qualified and experienced technicians in each laboratory and administrative staff.
C. Laboratory Genetics :
Cytogenetics Lab:
Microarray testing for abortus and haematological cancer
Prenatal & postnatal FISH (fluorescence in-situ hybridisation) tests
Karyotyping (cell culture)
Molecular Diagnostic Lab :
Next-generation sequencing tests for Hereditary cancers (160 genes including BRCA),
NGS based tests for solid tumors (52 genes for lung, colon, etc) and haematological cancers,
Single gene sequencing, MLPA, Fragment analysis/Chimerism testing, HLA typing
PCR and Real-time PCR for genetic diseases and cancer
FISH testing for solid and haematological cancers
Immuno-fluorescence tests for auto-immune disorders.
Molecular microbiology related tests
Contact Us :
Department secretary : 020-40151679
Genetics Reception : 020-40151680
Emai l: geneticsdept@dmhospital.org
Whatsapp no. for non-urgent queries to be answered in 24 hours between 10 am to 6 pm Monday to Saturday :+91-8669041868
Location of Department :
A wing, 6th floor, GS building, DMHR
Departmental Timetable :
Genetics Lab timings: Mon to Sat 9 am to 6.30 pm
Clinical Genetics OPD: Mon to Fri. 10 am to 3 pm by appointment only.- (020-40151100)
Cancer Genetics Clinic: Mon to Sat 10 am to 1 pm and 4 to 6 pm by appointment only. (020-40151100)
Departmental Workload :
1000 consultations in Clinical Genetics OPD
500 consultations done in Cancer Genetics Clinic
2000 samples tested in the Cytogenetics lab
12,000 samples processed in Molecular lab.
Courses and Training :
Observership/Internships available in the Genetics lab and OPD by selection
Guidance for the DNB students for molecular related thesis topics.
Events :
Hand-on workshops on ancillary techniques
National level Conferences conducted once every 2 years
Research projects and publications
Teaching for technicians, nurses and doctors