Overview :
The department offers high-quality, personalized clinical care in accordance with the best prevalent clinical practice. We have support and provision of excellent OT set -up and equipments .
Spectrum and Services :
Surgical conditions arising due to congenital , infective, Malignant, degenerative conditions affecting GI system,Thorax, GU systems, Soft tissues and lymphorecticular systems.
- Gastro-intestinal system :
- Congenital conditions like trachea-esophageal fistula esophageal atresia (TOF-EA), congenital diaphragnotic hernia (CDH) , Anorectal malformations (ARM) and Congenital Megacolon (Hirschsprung’s disease).
- We provide comprehensive surgical care that involves detailed diagnostics, prognostication, surgical care and post surgical care for babies diagnosed with above conditions.
- Bowel management program: We provide long term medical and surgical care for babies having chronic issues like incontinence who have undergone corrective surgeries for megacolon and anorectal malformations.
- We treat infective , obstructive GI conditions like intestinal obstructions, perforation with peritonitis, apendititis and simular other conditions.
- We treat various congential hernias
- We treat malignant conditions involving GI tract like polyps, soft tissue tumours, Lymphomas.
- Genito-urinary system :
We provide comprehensive surgical care for congenital uological conditions like ;
- Genetial malformations – Hypospadias, Epispadias, undecented testis, buried penis.
- Obstuctive urological conditions like hydrneprosis, posterior urethrel valves megaureter, V U reflex.
- Malignant urological conditions like Wilm’s tumor, neuroblastoma , malignat tumors of testis, ovary and sacrococcygeal tumours.
- Urinary calulus and related complications.
- We have adequate facilities, instrumentation and infrastructure for endourology procedures for whole pediatrics age group.
- Thorax :
Apart from treatment for TOF, CDH we provide comprehensive surgical care for
- Thoracic tumours and SOL like duplication cysts of lungs, Esophagus
- Infective conditions and its complications of lungs & chest cavities like lung abscesses, empyema.
We have facilities and support from PICU and NICU for pre, intra, post operative monitoring and care of pediatric surgery patients .
We have support from various other pediatric sub specialities like endocrinology, gastroentrology & Hemato-oncology etc
Equipments :
- Pediatric laproscope
- Pediatric Ventilatory Bronchoscope
- Neonatal Cystoscope
- Restoscope
Contact us :
Department OPD number :
020 4015 1083
In case of emergency you can contact 020 4015 1082 / 1027 and get connected to the doctor on call.
Location :
Ground floor of General Services (GS) i.e. Main building at C wing
Departmental Timetable :
Departmental Workload :
Total Yearly admission – 1600 nos