Overview :
The vascular department at DMH, consisting of Dr Advait Kothurkar, Dr Shardul Date & Dr Pranjal Sawant is one of the departments that offers a complete and comprehensive treatment of vascular diseases in its entire spectrum. We are able to confidently perform various vascular procedures like limb bypasses and various angioplasty procedures in all the vascular beds. The various examples of surgeries AND endovascular procedures that we perform routinely are depicted below.
Carotid Surgery.
Thoracic aortic surgery/ Stenting.
Abdominal aortic surgery/ Stenting.
(for Aneurysms and dissections)
Peripheral vascular surgery- Upper limb and lower limb acute and chronic surgery.
Above knee/Below knee amputations.
AV fistula surgery and disconnection.
Traumatic vascular injury repair (Arterial/Venous)
Aneurysm/ Pseudoaneurysm rupture repair.
AV Malformation -surgery , embolisation and sclerotherapy.
Acute and chronic Mesenteric ischaemia surgey and stenting.
Varicose vein EVLT/Varicose vein RFA/Open surgery/ Venaseal Glue.
We offer newer techniques of Suction and Mechanical throbectomy for Deep vein thrombosis management.
Lymphatic interventions.
We consistently team up and coordinate with the cardiac surgery / cardiology department to deal with complex and hybrid aortic surgery. We also deal with diabetic feet treatment along with the diabetic foot unit in the hospital. we are one of the few departments that have the hyperbic oxygen therapy available.
Good communication with the surgical department helps them to treat complicated tumours with vascular reconstruction.
We have access to a modern cathlab with high end software available along with other equipment like the laser machine, radio frequency machine in our department.
Location of Department :
Annex Building, Ground Floor, 1 no. OPD
Departmental Workload :
Approximate annual number of surgery
Varicose veins: 380-400
Peripheral plasty: 130-150
Upper limb/Lower limb Embolectomy/Thrombectomy: 100-120
Aortic Stenting: 50-60
AV Malformation: 60-70
Aorto femoral bypass/ Femoro- popliteal Bypass: 60-70
AK/BK Amputation:60-70
AV Fistula:40-50