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Simulation Overview

  ICU Simulator for Haemodynamic and Ventilatory Monitoring.

  • Full body mannequin with a simulated ICU environment.
  • Case scenarios can be generated using real time rhythms and waveforms controlled by the instructor through wireless devices.
  • Full body mannequin with heart and lung sounds, palpable pulse and can be used for IV cannulation, urinary catherization, airway management and resuscitation skills.
  • Feedback facility for chest compressions for effectiveness.



  Mannequins for basic nursing skills.

  • IV arms :
    • For peripheral IV insertion skill.
    • Facility of simulated blood for checking accuracy of the skill.
  • Urinary catheter insertion and care (Male / Female) + Enema :
    • Male and female pelvic models for skill practice
    • Urine / stools can be simulated.
  • Full body nursing mannequin :
    • Patient communication skills.
    • Basic and advanced airway management skills.
    • Urinary catheterization and catheter care.
    • Care of chest tube , tracheostomy tube.
    • Tracheostomy suctioning skill.
    • Nasogastric tube insertion and feeding.



IV arm


Nursing anne


  Airway Management Trainers

  • Basic airway management skills and practice of basic airway adjuncts.
  • Advanced airway management skill such as tracheal intubation , LMA etc.
  • Inflatable lungs and stomach for confirming the placement.
  • Facility for simulating difficult airway.

  Needle Cricothyrotomy Trainer

  • Can palpate the cartilages for cricothyrotomy site selection.

  IV Torso for Central Line Insertion

  • Can be used for practice of insertion from IJV and femoral sites.
  • Palpable carotid and femoral pulses.
  • facility of simulated blood.

  CPR Demo Hall

  • Ideal infrastructure for hands-on practice of CPR on the floor.
  • LCD screen for practice while watching the video.
  • Half and full body CPR mannequins with feedback facility for quality and adequacy of compressions.
  • Dedicated area for practising hand washing skill.



Airway Trainer


Demo hall



  Ideal infrastructures and facilities for conducting meetings, seminars, conferences and trainings.

  • Dr. Meena Choksi Auditorium
    • Air conditioned
    • Capacity : 90.
    • Audio visual tools
  • Hall 1
    • Air conditioned
    • Capacity : 40.
    • Audio visual tools.
  • Hall 2
    • Multi-purpose hall.
    • Can be used as dinning area.
  • Guest Room

  Skill stations
  There are 6 skill stations ideal for conducting short group trainings, skill evaluation and / or practice.


Post Graduate Training Center


Dr. Meena Choksi auditorium


Guest Room




Skill Stations