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MBBS M.Ch.(Neurosuregry), DBT fellow in Epilepsy & functional Neurosurgery, AASAN FELLOW
Consultant type: Honorary Consultant
Gender: Male
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Availability 01:00PM-03:00PM[BY APPT] 01:00PM-03:00PM[BY APPT] Book
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Availability 01:00PM-03:00PM[BY APPT] 01:00PM-03:00PM[BY APPT] Book

Professional Education and Experience

  • Passed MCh Degree examination in December 2009 from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, the premiere medical institute of India.
  • Experience of animal laboratory experimental work.
  • Served as Associate consultant at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital (Joint Commission International accredited hospital) for two and half years managing all neurosurgical cases independently.
  • Worked as DBT fellow in epilepsy surgery at AIIMS New Delhi under Dr P. S. Chandra from October 2013 to September 2014.
  • Worked with Professor Ashwini Sharan at Jefferson University, Philadelphia (Novenber 2014-January 2015) for advanced epilepsy surgery and functional neurosurgical training.

Awards and Achievements in Neurosurgery

  • AASAN ambassador fellowship for year 2014  at Thomas Jefforson University Epilepsy and functional neurosurgery program starting November 2014.
  • Top ten abstract award  at Annual meeting of Congress of Neurological Surgeons held in San Francisco CA September 2010.
  • Sherry Apple Resident fellowship  for presenting at Annual meeting of Congress of Neurological Surgeons held in San Francisco CA 2010.
  • K. K. Bisariya Award for best paper in Allied Neurosciences  at Annual conference of Neurological society of India Lucknow December 2009.
  • Dr V. S. Mehta award  for best research in spinal trauma in TRAUMA-2008 conference at New Delhi November 2008.
  • Third best research paper award  at Indian pediatric neurosurgery conference at Chandigarh in November 2007.
  • Travel fellowship award ILAE  for AOEC 2014 Singapore for presentation.
  • Travel fellowship  from International Society of Pediatric NeuroOncology for presentation in ISPNO Vienna AT in May 2010.


1. Tripathi M, Vaghani G, Tripathi M,  Kurwale NS, et al, Role of concordance between ictal subtracted SPECT and PET in predicting the long term outcome of epilepsy surgery Epilepsy Res. 2014 Dec;108(10):1782-9 

2. Banerjee J, Chandra SP,  Kurwale N, Tripathi M. Epileptogenic networks and drug resistant epilepsy: Present and future perspectives of epilepsy research-Utility for the epileptologist and the epilepsy surgeon. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2014;17:134-40 

3. Chandra PS,  Kurwale NS, Dwivedi R, Garg A, Tripathi M. Endoscopic Assisted Inter-Hemispheric Trans-Callosal Hemispherotomy: Description of a New Novel Technique. (ahead of print, Neurosurgery).

4. Kurwale NS, Garg K, Arora A,Chandra PS, Tripathi M. Valproate associated coagulopathy and platelet dysfunction: relevence for the epilepsy surgeon. Epilepsia 2014; 55: 107-107 (abstract).

5. Kurwale NS, Chouksey P, Chandra PS, Tripathi M, et al. Impact of Intraoperative MRI on outcomes in epilepsy surgeries: Preliminary experience of two years (British Journal of Neurosurgery, ahead of print)

6. Kurwale NS, Tripathi M, Arora A, Garg A, Bal CS, Chandra PS. Insights from hypothalamic hamartoma disconnection: from lesional epilepsy to network disease. (ahead of print in British Journal of Neurosurgery)

7. Kurwale NS, Ahmad FU, Suri A, Kale SS, Sharma BS. Can radiation induce pituitary tumors? a case report and review of literature J Clin Neurosci. 2008 Nov;15(11):1287-8. 

8. Kurwale NS  et al. Predictive factors for early symptomatic recurrence in pilocytic astrocytoma: Does angiogenesis have any role to play?. J Clin Neurosci (2010), doi:10.1016/j.jocn.2010.04.055 

9. Kurwale NS, Agrawal D. Phase contrast MRI of intracranial shunt tube: A valuable adjunct in the diagnosis of ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction. Clin Neurosurg. 2011;58:138-42..

10. Kurwale NS, Gupta DK, Mahapatra AK. Outcome of pediatric patients with traumatic basal ganglia hematoma: analysis of 21 cases. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2010;46(4):267-71. Epub 2010 Dec 16. 

11. Kurwale NS, Agrawal D, Sharma BS: Astroblastoma- a radio-histological diagnosis? Journal of pediatric neuroscience 2008;3(2):160-2 

12. Kurwale NS, Suri A, et al. Post operative pituitary apoplexy: preoperative considerations towards preventing nightmare. Br J Neurosurg. 2012 Feb;26(1):59-63. doi: 10.3109/02688697.2011.591947. Epub 2011 Nov 28 

13. Kurwale N, Kumar R, Sharma MC, Sharma BS. Suprasellar dermoid cyst associated with colloid cyst of the third ventricle: Disordered embryogenesis or a mere coincidence? J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2013 Jul;4(3):345-7. doi: 10.4103/0976-3147.118803.

14. Chandra SP, Ramdurg SR, Kurwale N, Chauhan A, Ansari A, Garg A, Sarkar C, Sharma BS. Extended costotransversectomy to achieve circumferential fusion for pathologies causing thoracic instability. Spine J. 2014 Jan 18. pii: S1529-9430(14)00063-1. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2013.12.028.

15. Agrawal D,  Kurwale NS. Sharma BS. Leukocytosis: A potential marker of brain injury after routine cranial surgery. DOI:10.4103/1793-5482.145066 ( ahead of print in Asian journal of Neurosurgery in July 2013)

16. Kurwale NS, Srivastava A, Suri A, Mohanty S, Yadav P, Sarkar C, Sharma MC, Suri V. Role of bone marrow derived pluripotent stem cells in peripheral nerve repair in adult rats: A Morphometric evaluation ( Journal of neurosciences in rural practice, April 2015, ahead of print)


  • Life member of Indian Epilepsy Society
  • Associate member of Neurological Society of India
  • Life member of Neurosurgical society of India
  • Life member of Trauma Society of India
  • Associate member of Skull base Society of India