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Fellowship in Musculoskeletal Imaging

Department of Radiology


Dr Ashwini Kulkarni MD
HOD, Department of Radiology


Dr Sanjay Desai MD, DNB, FRCR
Head of CT&MRI department.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, the current session of fellowship has been delayed by about 2 months. The admissions for this session (first half of 2025) are already over. The next fellowship (Indian / national) begins in September 2025 for which the admission process detailed on this website will be conducted in July. The dates will be displayed on the website and in various social media.


Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center is a charitable, multi-specialty hospital located in the heart of Pune, India. Founded in 2001, it is now a level 1 trauma, tertiary, academic health sciences centre, with over 1000 beds under one roof. The Royal College of Surgeons of England has accredited the post-graduate training center for academic excellence.

The Department of Radiology offers comprehensive, diagnostic radiology and image-guided interventional services under one roof. It houses state-of-the-art imaging equipment like Digital Radiography & Fluoroscopy, Ultrasonography, Color Doppler, BMD, Digital Mammography, two CT machines, PET CT Scan and Two MRIs (3T).

Ultrasonography and CT Guided Interventions are also carried out with biopsies and Cathlab procedures in relation to MSK Radiology.

On a yearly basis, the MSK section reads over 12000 MRI and 1500 CT, and performs over 1800 MSK ultrasound cases besides the guided procedures.

There is a large collection of radiographs including trauma, orthopedic, and rheumatology cases.

Recruitment , stipend and duration

The Musculoskeletal Imaging fellowship is a six-month post-MD/DNB training program, with biannual intakes in May and November for Indian Nationals and January and July for International.

Two posts per session for Indian Nationals and one for International

Minimum 10 hours per day for 6 days per week. This includes a minimum of 10 hours for research purposes per week.

A monthly stipend of Rs 50,000/-(gross) per month will be issued for the duration of the fellowship.(Indian Nationals)


Six Months from the joining date (after due completion of formalities including PC-PNDT registration, MCI / MMC registration/approval and HR formalities as required).

Minimum 10 hours per day for 6 days per week. This includes a minimum of 10 hours for research purposes per week.

Selection Process

Evaluation of application forms filled by the candidate. Application form fees is Rs. 1500/- (exclusive of bank charges).

Click on the link below and select conference/workshop in the purpose of payment dropdown box

Payment of fees

The candidate has to fill the Google form in the link below. He/she needs to upload the CV in the form although he or she may have mailed it previously. The form is accepted after payment of the said fees.

Kindly also upload two letters of reference along with the CV. The LOR can be submitted after the written exam but before the interview(in case of non-submission before interview the applicant will be disqualified)


Personal interview and spots will be conducted through online platforms on decided date and time, which will be informed to the shortlisted candidates through email.

Musculoskeletal Fellow training Activities:

  • To review and interpret radiography, USG, MRI and CT studies under direct faculty supervision.
  • To rotate in all the modalities in MSK radiology on a pre-decided time table.
  • To conduct routine follow-up of cases reported and correlate with operative findings and further course of treatment.
  • To perform methodical clinical research.
  • To attend weekly lectures by the mentors along with active involvement in DNB academic activities.
  • To attend weekly / monthly multidisciplinary conferences in and outside the hospital.
  • To participate in the research activities of the Department in order to complete one paper publication and one article each by the end of the tenure of 6 months.

Completion Criteria :

End of the term assessment is made as an examination having written and/or oral components and review of the fellow’s publication and research work and participation in academic activities.

Objective :

This fellowship program aims that the graduating fellows should have the confidence and skill to practice Musculoskeletal Radiology as a career anywhere at the highest level.


Application process starts: 14th October 2024

Ends: 24th October 2024 (midnight)

Tentative Online Written Exam: 26th October 2024

Notification of shortlisted candidates for online Interview : 29th October 2024

Tentative Online Interview: 6th November 2024

Selected/waitlisted candidates notified: 8th November 2024

Offer acceptance: 11th November 2024 (by 7 PM)

Fellowship starts on 1st Jan 2025 (National)

Fellowship starts on 1st April 2025 (International)

Note: The format of the e-interview, software to be downloaded, login id’s passwords will be e mailed to the shortlisted candidates in due course of time.

Past fellows

Name Batch Present work Email ID
Dr. Amar Udare 1 Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Calgary amarudare@gmail.com
Dr. Arnab Marik 1 Consultant, MGM New Bombay Hospital, Navi Mumbai dr.arnab.marik@gmail.com
Dr. Vishal Walasangikar 2 Eureka diagnostic and Research centre, Kolhapur vishalwalasangikar@gmail.com
Dr. Navin 2 Lincoln County Hospital, UK drnavin1982@gmail.com
Dr. Vikas Reddy 3 MSK Head Consultant, Lucid scans, Hyderabad palle_vikas@yahoo.co.in
Dr. Aniket Jadhav 3 MSK Consultant, STAR imaging, Pune aniketj40@gmail.com
Dr. Vikas Jhanwar 4 Consultant at Xpert’s Imaging, Jaipur vikasjhanwar85@gmail.com
Dr. Jayeta Chowdhury 4 Consultant, Mission hospital, Dibrugar, WB drjayetach@gmail.com
Dr. Robin Kuruvilla 5 Consultant,Abu Dhabi, UAE drrobinmk@gmail.com
Dr. Pranav Mahadeokar 5 MSK Consultant, STAR imaging, Pune pranav.mahadevkar@gmail.com
Dr. Tushar Kapoor 6 Consultant, City X-ray And Scan Clinic, New Delhi tusharkapoor2307@gmail.com
Dr. Nandakishore Patil 6 Consultant at Hubli Scan Centre, Hubli nandakishorepatil88@gmail.com
Dr. Jinu C Soman 7 Aster Medcity, Kochi jinucsoman@gmail.com
Dr. Foram Kthari 7 Pulse Diagnostic Center, Mumbai drfnk1@gmail.com
Dr. Meghna Regmi 7 B&B Hospital Gwarlko,Nepal hi_meghna@hotmail.com
Dr. Devendra Goyal 8 Consultant MSK radiologist at Sirona Diagnostika group of centres, Varanasi devendragoyal4@gmail.com
Dr. Preeti 8 Consultant radiologist at Microdiagnostics, Ropar Punjab preetiosan2008@gmail.com
Dr. Kevin Varghese 8 MSK Consultant, Tesla scans and healthcare, Kerala kevinvarghese87@gmail.com
Dr Ritika Chamadia 9 Manipal Hospital, Kharadi Pune ritikachamadia@gmail.com
Dr Madhusudhan B 9 Kauvery Hospital, Bangalore madhub792@gmail.com
Dr Shameena Salim 9 Aster MIMS , Kannur Kerala shameena.a.s@gmail.com
Dr Vedang Bhadbhade 10 Radhey Diagnostic centre, Miraj vbhadbhade@gmail.com
Dr Kamesh G 10 Manipal Hospital , Bangalore ghsemak@gmail.com
Dr Karan Asthana 10 MVD Health Plus , Guwahati karanasthana12@gmail.com
Dr. Sruthi Subramanian 11 Apollo Adlux Hospital, Kochi shruthisubsot@gmail.com
Dr Amith Gaitonde 11 Prima Diagnostics, Bengaluru amitgaitonde08@gmail.com
Dr Pallavi Avinash Lokhande 11 Past International fellow dr.pallaviradio@gmail.com
Dr Gurukrishna B 12 Naruvi Hospitals, Vellore, Tamilnadu b.gurukrishna20@gmail.com
Dr Esha Agarwal 12 Manipal Hospital, Pune esha.agarwal94@gmail.com
Dr Nimisha Lohiya 12 Consultant(Gen & MSK) University Hospital of Derby and Burton nimishalohiya0.3@gmail.com
Dr Sathwik Deekonda 13 International modern hospital, Dubai drsathwikrd@gmail.com
Dr Anisha Garg 13 Assistant Professor, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi dranishagarg86@gmail.com
Dr Sonali Prabhu 13 Associate Professor. Department of Radiodiagnosis , Kasturba medical college Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE). mailme.svs@gmail.com
Dr Shrishail Adke 14 Present Fellow shriadke@gmail.com
Dr Tejas Modi 14 Present Fellow tm191295@gmail.com
Dr. Tejas Devdikar 14 Present international fellow drtejasrad@gmail.com


Dr. Sanjay Desai
Department of Radiology
Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center
Erandwane, Pune- 411014